Friday, September 30, 2016


If we say blogging we can think about sharing ideas, comments, articles and views. It is very hard for us to understand what is the real essence of blogging but we find ways to discover it by ourselves. 

We are not all aware of blogging but when we discover it we can say that this will give us a big help especially for education because with the help of blogging we can enhanced our skills in constructing our ideas, share our thoughts and we can socialize with others. 

It also help for teacher in order for their learners to have an idea what is blogging all about and how can be develop their knowledge about it. It can be easy for the teacher to check whether their learners are good in analyzing or they are responding to the given task. 

We are all lucky to have this discovery because through this we can share our ideas not only in our country but in worldwide. We must know our responsibility so that we can share this to new generation that they can also experience what is blogging all about.

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